CoasterVille Hack Cheat Tool v. 2.05
While CoasterVille has yet to really take off as a major player in Zynga’s gaming catalog, a few strategically placed cross-promotions could change that in an instant. In the meantime, current players can now stock up on more Goods in this completely new way to play within the Good Emporium!
Instead of simply ordering Goods and waiting for them to appear over time (as was the case when the game first launched), you can now invite your friends to be Truck Drivers within the game and earn more Goods than you ever could before as a result!
At any time, you can place a regular order via Marty, an in-game character, that will act as normal. You can pay Park Cash to finish it off, but you’ll never receive a bonus on how many Goods Marty brings back, regardless of how long he’s been away. In addition, you’ll now have four friend slots within the Good Emporium that can be filled by sending out individual requests to your neighbors for help.